06 May, 2024

About climate characteristics, compared with October rain

 In the news some time ago there was something like a dispute can Israel's Eurovisiln song have the words "October rain". I thought of it as a description of the weathers of Israel being tough and needing extra learning even from those with good weather skills there, like in the middle of autumn in a climate of four seasons. Or that the weathers in Israel feel like slapping with a wet mitten in the face. 

But can it be that many who are interested in Christmas gnome like life would prefer something like the October weathers here being a major current in life, so not so detailed eyesight oriented life in the cold, but instead somewhat October like also in the winter time, with maybe some frost and snow as a skill sometimes but not as a full season. So maybe they would like Germany, France, Hungary and maybe Kazakhstan. And some whose emphazis on bush like way of behaving causes pain and aggression in Finland, are maybe referring to bushes in a so warm climate that it never reaches the coolness of the October rain here in southern Finland. So I guess that October rain is one way to recognize better which climates one likes and belongs to. 

04 May, 2024

A new book "Work and Feelings"

 A new book "Work and Feelings" ought to be in a few days available at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .

See https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3BP6V56

Paperback version https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3BR1P3L?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520 

5.5.2024   You can find the book also at my blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , where there now is also tge ebook "The best fact language is like music". 

30 April, 2024

Ask more texts from schooled people, I am too exhausted

 If you want more texts on the subject, most of those who have gone to school or are in addition educated in natural sciences or theoretical philosophy, could make such almost daily blog posts, booklets or the lije for you. I am just exhausted. I do not want my lufe to be like tgat of a machibe, for example copy+paste of the wanted subject, plus adding some common sense rationality inside school's picture of the world which too is told about. I need ordinary life. 

Texts that are wanted are positive in effect, which means that there ought not come a tendency to crimes. So the texts should follow civiliced values and healthy wisdom of life, leaving the life of the individuals comfortable enough, not too laborous in ways that demand all healthy or all motivated or the like. My texts have been aimed at a world-wide audience, tellibg of skills for good lufe year around from a so general theoretically correct point of view that it ought to suit all. (Some of the readers may be ill abd lookibg for healthier ways of livibg via which to recover.) 


Magnifient looking home

 In the Yle news today https://yle.fi/a/74-20085241 there were seemingly tens of years old pictures of a claimed recent triple-murder in a village with a church related name quite near here. The home looking just ashtonishing magnifient, like I guess happens often with the homes of such valuing wise arts oriented religious elderly, which I guess is often the reason for elderly getting ill and to hospital or being clearly murdered, since many young people long for peace for their own lufe's feacturelessness, so some wish for such a position. Fracturelessness is a different thibg from a high skill level. Skills one can learn via practise across time, if one is sincerely interested in such thibgs and in values suppirting them, and in following civiliced values, wisdom of life, etc. Fracturelessness and peace on tge other hand are a question of one fitting to where one lives, takibg into account what obe's values, dreams, ways of living, being social, skills, likibgs, daily lufe, thibgs done and aimed at, etc, are like. 

About making a home magnifient looking, see my book https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html 

About high skills and harmony via valuing nature, see my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

About safety, fracturelessness and a place in the world, read my very long Christmas gnome skills text, starting at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 . I guess one ought to read it when one is interested in such. 

Having peace for a family of one's own is often a question of whether such is largely wished for. Me having children of my own has always been strongly opposed and much sabotaged, people thinking that wise people do not suit as parents. Many seem to think that it is better for me to write advices on skills, wisdom of life and a theoretical picture of the world for some 20 years than say them to a child who most likely does not follow those values as an adult, and whose task it sjould not be to invest one's working years into writing about them for others. 

Likewise many other dreams of many depend on supporting ways of living, values, etc, which make such possible for many, like is wished for in the world and good for the world. So many professions or dream like things in life have also an occult side, as if keeping company and teaching such things to others interested in such skills too. 

29 April, 2024

Gnomes interest most sometimes, but gnome like people are often old

 29th of April 2024   I have written over five years of skills for a Christmas gnome like life year around. Gnomes are a subject that mostly gets it's charachteristics from wishes to get daily lufe work out well and comfortably enough. So as older people usually have more such skills, and so the gnome figure is somewhat like copied from the elderly. And if such features interest, as in the blog post about having bought a music instrument and having been recommended a scarf to keep it without dust, then maybe my book "Magnifient Views, and nice to live in", see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html , would be the right answer to what interests you in skills for a Christmas gnome like life. 

26 April, 2024

About the Finnish book which started me writing about gnome like life

 In September 2018 I borrowed from the library in Savonlinna the book "Tontun vuosi" by was it Kirsti Manninen. I wrote a comment about it to my blog in Finnish, but when I some weeks later transmated it to English, I got stuck into the subject. 

The name of the book was something like The year of the gnome, meaning the yearly chores of traditional Finnish farms and the traditional celebrations like Christmas, Easter and maybe something else too, connected with the seasons. I think there is an English versiln of the book, called if I remember right, "Finnish gnomes for all seasons", and so it is in it's point of view tied to Finnish climate and things tradition tells about gnomes in Finland. There are gnome traditions also in other countries, at least in Scandinavia and Central European countries. 


If you would like to buy the book, maybe your local old / second hand books' seller could overcome the language barrier. 

The book has lots of big detailed colour pictures reaching also the edges of pages, so it as new must have been expensive. And a new edition would demand a good quality printing, which for example my books do not have in what comes to pictures. And the colours of pictures often suit just certain climate or cultural area, so there may be problems if readers are around the world. The pictures are of a different style from the text: the pictures ill lookibg dolls like a climate difference much too big or whatever the health problem, but the miljo traditional Finnish or some version of such, while the texts are objective description of some knowledge of what the old tales of Finnish gnomes say. As far as I know, the former publisher went bankrupt, even though it was well known, so there may be problems of finding a publisher and funding, and there may be unsold copies of an earlier edition of the book. 

* * * * * 

Come to think of it, maybe the dolls in the pictures of kind of traditional Finnish farm life, seek to be like foreigners wishing to bring some good lufe of warmer foreign countrues to Finland. But Finland used to have very good life, but it was with weather skills fitted to the Finnish climate. Lazying around, and a too relaxed style, make one lose heat much too much and so one soon gets ill and maybe dies or has to stay indoors. Spending overly much time outdoors, like living only outdoors, causes the same but is different on skin and on character. Sometimes such things work a little bit in the summer time, but most of the year it is just too cold for such. The traditional Finnish weather skills are enjoyable and most people in Finland have chosen the country because of it's climate. Those who in Finland are too stiff or tense, usually long for life in some other climate or culture - or have not gotten a chanca to live a good lufe in the Finnish way. It is just so that the places are so different that other cultures feel as if opposed by circumstancies here in Finland, even though they jyst wish for a different type of nature, different ways suited to different climate, location and it's cultural influencies. Yet as I look back at my life, very rarely there was anything in traditional Finnish ways, like for example woodwork tools sold in shops are not nice good willing lije old times' Finnish, but instead reflect some other values and some other ways of being social. On the other hand, most people have seemed to be so interested in some far away countries, climates, etc that according to common sense they should have moved there tens of years ago, but they somehow wish that they could transform Finland to be like those far away places, but it does not seem to bring happiness here, there is something in the location too different. 

* * * * *

2nd of May 2024   I bought the English version of the book: "Finnish Elves for All Seasons". It starts nicely, but I must say that cultivating some things in the environment demands wisdom and values suited to such, often liking just such life. So a guardian of good life somewhere must be left in peace, respected, instead of others messing around without caring to cultivate such, maybe even not understanding how to cultivate all such things. 

The pictures of the English version look quite the same as in the Finnish book "Tontun vuosi" but with somewhat lighter skin as if people thinkibg of northern climate's ways of living affecting health. It may also be that some have come to Finland via having looked at such pictures. Maybe they looked at the pictures from outdoors, thinking coukd they themselves do the same, but the rest of their bodily posture was too leisirely, as if somewhere in Germany or in Netherlands, so I guess they would have felt happier and more socially nicelt part of the lufe there, since in Finland so sloppy leisurely relaxed parts of the body make one feel dissatisfied and somewhat unhappy, less healthy and less activw compared with Central European countries. In Finland a more sporty way of keeping the body and moving is happier and better for the Finnish climate. 

Here is a picture from the beginning of my own book "Skills of Christmas gnomes" by Tervola, sold at the Amazon internet bookshops, but only some of the beginning was edited for the book.

The pile of books in the Christmas gnome / elf skills series is amazingly big. The Finnish books below them on the chair are easy miracle healing advices, see www.EasyHealing.info i.e. CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com .

The books "Understanding the North", "A Sorcerer" and "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" are not yet in the pile. See MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com for them. The book "A Sorcere" ought to get a second part of a second larger edidition. 

Google search

 The www.Google.com picture search "Christmas Gnomes International" brought nice pictures

Some videos: Beetle-home, etc



Beautiful village


Stell balls moving 


My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 






My books www.amazon.com/author/khtervola 

24 April, 2024

"Work and Feelings", my new blog

 My new blog, at least to begin with only quotations from my other blogs. See https://workandfeelings.blogspot.com

How a baby gets it's characteristics

 There is a flowering bush called syren, which blooms in the beginning of summer, the flowers of it's violet version bringing into mind those graduating from secondary school and as a quite new young pair getting their first child. Such made me think that the first child is more fractureless in atmosphere, since a family of one's own is an impirtant dream for both parents and so the dream is along when they make love and get their first child, I guess like it ought to be. But when they plan a second child, they I guess get it because they wanted another child, but the everyday life is already on some tracks, so as if between working day, they ask what, do you mean now the child, I do not know if I can so well, but they come along, but they are left thinking should one on a better moment or out of moment's fascination, like with the first child the dream of a family and of the moment's fracturelessness and experienced richness carrying lufe instead of kind of compulsory. So I guess the difference between a first and a second child relates with the situation when making love: differencies in it's motivation and it's wisdom of life. 

 " Suomessa kasvaa sekä perinteisiä suomalaisen luonnon kasveja, että puutarhakasveja yms lähinnä lämpimämpien ilmastojen kasveja, jotka viljeltyinä säilyvät aika usein hengissä näin pohjoisessa, mutta joilta ei opi Suomen ilmastotaitoja niin hyvin eikä yhtään niin viihtyisästi kuin luonnonvaraisilta suomalaisilta kasveilta. Puutarhakasvien tjnnelma on usein hyvin erilainen, hellemäisempi kuin luonnonkasvien, joka on jotenkin herkempi ja viileämpiin säihin viittaava. Esim. pensaita on kyllä Suonessakin, mutta ne ovat yleensä puutarhakasveja. Pensaita on sekä hellemäisen tunnelmaisia, jotka tuntuvat viittaavan sisätilojen tasaiseen lämpöön, että suomalaisen tyylisiä perinteisiä pensaita tms, joita ovat mm kataja, juhannusruusu, musta- ja punaviinimarja- sekä karviaismarjapensaat, ja pienikokoiset lehtipuut. 


Syreeni kuulostaa upealta Ranskassa ja lättänöittävältä Unkarissa. Voiko olla että unkarinsyreenin toivotaan tuovan unkarilaista vaikutetta, mutta ylioppilasjuhlien aikaan kukkiva violetti syreeni, joka viittaa mm ylioppilaslakkiin ja uudehkon nuorenparin tulossa olevaan ensimmäiseen vauvaan (ensimmäinen vauva on yleensä eheämmän tunnelmainen, sillä oma perhe on tärkeä haave molemmille vanhemmille ja niin he sen merkeissä naivat ja saavat ensimmäisen lapsensa, kai siten kuin hyvä on, mutta toinen lapsi kun on suunnitelmussa, niin se kai hankitaan siksi, että se halutaan, mutta arki on jo osin urautunut, vähän kuin työpäivän keskellä, ja niin kysyvät, että mitä, nyttenkö se lapsi, en taida ihan hyvin osata, mutta tulevat mukaan kuitenkin, kun onhan sitä lasta ajateltu että se halutaan, mutta pitäisikö paremmalla hetkellä tai hetken ihastuksesta (siis hetken ihastuksensa kanssa naida) jossakin juuri vauvahaaveen kanssa ja ympäristön elämän ja oman sen hetken tapahtuman eheän kokemuksellisen rikkauden keskellä, sen myötä hyvissä merkeissä hankkua se vauva ennakkosuunnitelmitta tai kun hyvä idea moinen on), kuulostaisi komealta Ranskaan liittyen, jos se siis sinne sopii. Vai onko tämä vertailu vain rakennuksista, joita vanhat unkarilaiset merkittävät rakennukset, ja oliko patsaat yms, tekivät vaikutuksen. 

About the wisdom of variations in the ways of living abd doing, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/03/in-building-and-safeguarding-living.html 

From my new blog   https://puutteidenkorjaamiseen.blogspot.com

About always reading the news

 I have wondered why I am so sleepy, as if there were just the internet, eating something and dozing under a too warm winter blanket. But I have read some news in the internet news site several times a day, so maybe that is a strong influence to my life. The news seem to have a kind of sleepy background. I thought it was ordinary daily life running well, but maybe it is not. Maybe the news journalusts read too many news during their work shift, and so they maybe cannot handle it fully well, and so they maybe produce something harmless enough for media use by living a very sleepy kind of lufe rest of the time. There may be the problem of how to get things running well in the society. That has been my strenght most of my lufe, but it is just theoretical understanding and lots of wisdom of lufe, that too mostly on a general level, but it is not a well working social influence or the like. But one could learn such by reading my texts : see MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com and links from there, or for example read about the skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life, here at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2918/09 

23 April, 2024

Of how babies and young learn

 My impression is that babies have a good way of pbserving and understanding via senses, sensatilns, etc, natural life and characteristics of different persons' ways of life, professional inclination, skills and things done, plus something about their sphere of life. But that babies do not have so much knowledge of the social possibilities to live a life of their own type of persons. So bebies are searching for that kibd of info and learnkng about the life possibilities around. So a baby may be intellugent and talented in it's own areas of strenght, but it is at some early phace of learning about life. Parents on the other hand may be each of their own kind and use their schooled ways of thinking and schooled picture of the world a lot. So they refer often to words, while the chikd refers to life situatilns observed from a more felt perspective of learning basic skills and wisdom of life. So as far as I know, babies and children seldom make faulty claims by words, but instead parents may say something wrong, while the child's perspective is concentrated in sensing what kind of action is this, what are the types of deeds done in it, are there different versilns of them, etc, and so the words are often secondary, used like taught or like suits the skill the child is practising. And so errors between terms are often mistakes or lies of the adults, and not some low level of skills of the child. A child may be more skilled, responsible and individual than the parents, at least I used to be, but such does not mean the child being dominant in practice, but it does mean that the things should be tuned according to each individual and not as if all skills were like knowledge, better always those of adults. A skilled child ought to be let be more sovereign when tuning influencies, help, etc, since the comfortable social distance and other factors vary depending on the individuals and the situation at hand. 

There being a shortage of something or it having just always ended for one much wanting such to one's life, is often a question of it being tuned according to some other individual's, culture's or place's characteristics, so a different type of individuality, relationship to the civiluced society, or the like is supposed the right way to approach such, which often means that they are supposed to be of the same group as you and they are supposed to be a good qualuty professional and high degree of individuality and very moral and good quality professional valuing jyst such in the world. While they are not. 

School is supposed to teach children skills and knowledge, so to make them st least a little bit more independent each passing month or some other period of school pupil's life. So if a teachers sends to children some stronger obligation toward obedient studying during freetime or coming years, it typically was not asked for the child in question, if the child does study in school, but instead parents were interested in school and wished for some such option for themselves sometimes, but propably not a daily obligation at all. 

Of the difference of caring for the whole or seeing just a glimpse

 In the news there was told that the president Stub of Finland is going to visit Sweden, and there were video of Swedish royal castle indoors, which at first sight was surprisingly much in Finnish taste, as if chosen by Finns to suit Finland's simikar tasks, kind of like the glow of nature sometimes, red and gold and an impression of varied colour like marmour stone's or of splashing waves, bringing to mind the glow in nature someplace sometimes in the rediish rays of evening's setting sun. But as one looked at it, like usual, it was not of the Finnish type, not wise in the world, not creating such fracturelessness like the nature, not caring things well in the world, not even in what comes to how to treat all the people personally met there, what sre their values, skills, quality, what is good for the world and what not. So it was as if one person only in a dim lamp light and the rest, even the people near by not cared for, not a wide view of the world and of people etc in it. So it was not good for ruling, not good influences. 

In Finland pictures of wholes and objective thinking are considered important for keeping things well in the world, similarly also healthy wisdom of life is considered important. 

About my views of a good governing, see ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com and my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html , and many of my other texts too. 

Of a pet I think that one can let it live freely and develop it's capacity, skills and wisdom of life fully, if it wishes well in the world, tries to behave wisely and seeks to be fair in social relations and in the world, leaving things well for life. Similarly of humans. 

20 April, 2024

For comfort * Find a dream job

 I saw in Facebook.com this postcard like picture, and I added a link to my Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute www.ChristmasInstitute.info 

"A hug to say

I love you.

A hug to say 

I care.

A hug just 

to let 

you know. 

I will


be there." 

Kind of thinking of such hero like dream jobs as in The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

Fractureless happiness like old times' countryside

 I just noticed that this text seems to have come back to the subject it started from, having filled quite many dearly needed skills on the way. See LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 

And https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/04/a-new-word-for-angels-myweathers.html  If all in the group follow all the advices fully, it ought to bring a harmony that brings into mind some impressions of old time nature views, like a meadow with a low fence roadside, on a peaceful summer time moment. In Finland such a course has propably been born of difficult weathers, which like when the ice cover on lakes or rivers melt in the spring winter, there is danger of varied degrees in different places and for different individuals and soon changing as the sunlight melts the snow. So one may soon die of falling to the cold water beneath, so each one must follow wise ways, yet take individual estimates and precautions seriously, trusting also sensed, felt atmosphere impressions and trying to give others individual freedom too. So it is a harmony of wise ways and with wisdom of life too, yet just rational and without any danger getting worse, since it is just weathers and seasons of the nature, growing more profound via experience, unlike human attacks or cunning plans. 

I amso just came to think of the word "Boddhisattva" in Buddhism referring to an enlightened person. Tge word reminds of a Buddha like a sitting baby (in Finnish "vauva"). What I ubderstand of babies learning, see my books "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, and "Christmas Elf like Work : and influencing things in the world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , the child or baby has or nay have a good wide natural way of observing life around and one's own doings, feelings etc. But the world may be more square: somebody's capacity or motivation narrower like of an exhausted ill person, or satisfied with life more inclined toward the build things, especially houses. So the world around and people's perceptions in it and so their ways too may be more square at least at some places. So one ought to use a wider more natural understanding there too, at the presence of those areas of lufe too. Maybe then one could be more enlightened in the middle of daily life too. 

Also some theory at   ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

And about making choices the free ebook "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 

"Solutions are often on different roads, like in different worlds"

 From my blog about trying to solve global warming https://tryingtosolveglobalwarming.blogspot.com


    "  As I studied in the university, I wondered why the different sciences sounded like founded by single or a feq single individuals, who seemed to have had a good personal grasp of such things, and seemed to have thought that others would continue similarly with own insight and own strong skills, but in practice it seemed that all good ideas had been exhausted, and all students etc of the following generations did learn the thoughrs taught in the courses but did not figure out anything much on their own in the subjects. 

Likewise I have noticed that like as a child all kuds had their own likibgs which were not so suited for others, also as an adult if one goes along somebody else's work lije perspective, obe jyst gers exhaustez, without getting any new results that way. Unless one changes enturely to one's own roads. So as I yesterday run into the subject apocalypse, I noticed that it was like the views of science fiction boojs: somebody's not-so-well working perspective had taken over, and so there was jyst a disaster left. So always in solving catastrophes, big problems or the lije, check that you do not get stuck ibside some not-so-well solving rigid vuewpoint. Instead try my view of the world being of spirit: 

"  From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes, at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com :

" A80.   30th of June 2019   If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too. Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music, religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests, etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too.


" Quoten from my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

23rd of April 2024   See also the whole blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

About enough money


A22.   Of having written 25 years without pay but very valuable things like my objective paradise theory, feelings etc for computers, the thinking course, advices for living the four seasons, over a thousand seemingly good attempts at advices about healing by healthy natural ways of living, and this five years about Christmas gnome like lufe. Of this I have concluded that working life and money does not work like I was told as younger. Yet I think thst if I do something valuable and good willing in the world  yet comfortable and quite easy st ghe level of individual luves, it does not go completely unobserved, I have some place, and it means that also the use of money goes via some more vague logic than engineering. I guess that for a good cause one can have money but not for unwise life chouces. One is often wanted someshere where one's personal likings and strenghts lead one but one does not necessarily know of such places  since relatives etc are not trustworthy enough to have told even if they knew of such, and maybe they were socially too fifferent. So I feel ghat if one lives in a good way from the point of view of working lufe and the good of the world, wisdom of life, etc and does not check diligently how much money one has one may have enough for such a way of lufe, and maybe one could also make handicrafts that way, like seems adviced by the shopkeeper whose products suit your valyes, but not spending blindly and not too much, just trying a little to see how it works out, but if the money just somehow is enough, maybe the handicrafts are even for free or like works out to where each piece is fairly for the good of the world. But I do not know. The money system cannot work engineer like if one working via the i ternet kn the tropics can save all the heating costs and have lots of superfluous money each month without really being such a good influence to the world. 
Sometimes something is just wanted.

From LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2023/09 

15 April, 2024

Of learning weather skills (in all climates?)

 For learning weather skills, one should have clothes and shoes too good basic outdoors clothes for such a time of ghe year and for such weathers. One should have scholl type of perspective and type of learning, and basic advices for going outdoors, like "have you made sure that...? Do you have as clothes...? Do you know that ...? Do you remember that...? Are you sure that you remember all these? Is everything ok? Then, let's go!"

As one goes out, one should observe the weather, especially when out of the indoors air near the door or ventilatiln window. One should at first jyst walk a quite short distance, trying to see how one woukd enjoy the weathers, while being safely folliwing ghe weather advices, fully but in common sense like ways. 

One should look at the nature around, both the weathers and the ground, but especially the nature, try to find if there is any charm in the atmospheres of bushes, tree branches, animals around, or the like. If there are charming atmospheres of plants in such a weather, see what those are like as ways of living the weathers and ways of life in the long run. And try to learn such views and ways of living via following their charms. Those are often wise, so one should try to learn also their ways of living the year, something of their talents, skills, values, following theur wisdom in the world, safeguarding and respecting the future of the living kind, especially of the wild nature. Like "the atmosphere of the quite old trees here in ghe weather, fascinates me, so I for a moment go along it and walk like entering a postcard of atmospheric quite old trees, and trying what it feels like to walk there."  

Obs. This advice is meant for all climates. 

14 April, 2024

If other cannot these on their own

 One should not get angry at me if others cannot these things that I write about, when you after reading my texts go to their writings, songs or whatever. I have not caused it. As far as I know, I am the best in tge world in quite many thing, or have been. So I write, and have written a lot, without pay, because as far as I know others cannot fill my place as a thinker with a healthy spirit and wisdom of life. Most are more specialiced than me, they do not have the same values, not enough moral. I wonder at it, since for a good future of the world, for all living beings fairly, all ought to have such a goal in practice, in wise common sense like ways and with enough wisdom of life. 




Wishing well in the world solves life's problems

 What I have noticed of the lives of many in the world, is that a lack of moral often causes social and other problems in one's life, really lot of them so that one drowns into them. The easy cure to such would be to always wish well in the world: good life for all fairly, now and in the future, arranged in wise ways. One should aim at the good of the world, of living beings (etc), according to basic civiliced wisdom : follow civiliced values, basic civiliced picture of the world, common sense, lots of healthy wisdom of life and this with good quality, placing such guideline primary in one's choices, all the time in everything, in every side of things. Also in practical life, arrangements, social contacts, all influencies on others, etc, even in small matters and side effects. Healthy wisdom of life, fair play and common sense, together with very good quality make these work out well for oneself too. So as a result problems seem to vanish, and life just carries well, one gets a happy life with wisdom of life. 

16th of April 2024   When one wishes well in the world and chooses accordingly in life, the general guidelines fit all kinds of people in all kinds of situations, and so such choices carry well in one's own life too. 

Of the richest

 I once saw a newspaper article of pictures of founders of famous companies, and those seemed to have a way of making certain areas of life work well. Like the founder of Rise Crispies children's mirning cereals foid company had some wisdom with which to make family's mornings work out well, so via his product hemanaged to offer that good side to many who longed for such. I do not temember the others, but those too had slme personal wisdom, which then was offered to the public as a strenght brought by their product.

A moment ago I found this video of the richest families in America, and haven't watched mire than the beginning. But it too seems to bring the impression that those familues had some view, way of lufe, valyes, wisdom, work motivation, a place in the world as social persons, which made some areas of lufe work well, carry well, abd so thry were good influencies for certain kinds of companies or industrues work, for the workers, for support of producing such in practice. And so they were maybe singers or other influence for such professions, but nit necessarily watching tjibgs from the point of view of a leader, more like from the point of view of such profession's good worker. 


15th of April 2024   "Palmistry

 Yesterday in www.YouTube.com I saw recommended a vudeo of palmistry, but did not look at it. It had a picture of a woman and of her palms side by side. And so side by side the person's palms seemed to say, what kibd of workkng lufe she was inclined toward, what kind of content to life and work liad she was good at bearing. And those looked like a queen's hands: eating bakery, getting support from nunns while caring for impirtant matters requiring a very good understanding and high skills, caring for the whole. 

My palms do not look at all like that when I watch them side by side. My palms seem to refer to woodwork and to the life of singing birds, unified with walks in the nature, somewhat like a painting recommends. On the other hand I have never quite understood why one coukd not live one's lufe that way. 

"   From LinksToMyTexts.BlogSpot.com 

The upper line could also be interest in the lufe of male Orthodox monks or priests, kind of with woodwork interest too

My feet 

This video promises to be a palm reading of billionaires, together with teaching signs of tge rich's features



Oh, I did not like that video.

Here is another, I guess made by people who arrange big music concerts. 


There was also a short video of an X singn between these two long lines of one's hand, and as a writer of teaching material in skills, talents and wisdom of life, it brought to mind one's likibgs in lufe experience and ways of living supporting what one had learned from reading wisdom that one is interested in, so one was more talented, more with wisdom of lufe, kibd of better intelligence in learning such higher wusdom. Such is needed here in a cold climate in weather skolls and wisdom of lufe supporting them. 



A new book "A Sorcerer, Book 3. : Some big dove's wish"

 See  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3FVDVSX Or read the original blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com