26 May, 2024

Of the Finnish view on naturality

 The traditional Finnish speaking Finnish culture sees natyrality meaning natural in the biological sense of the word. So it is wise for life and good for living kn the world. It also has space for things in the human nature but only in ways that are wise in the world. Naturaluty often means freedom but kn harmony with the good of the world, i.e. only wisely and that means jyst in good quality ways wisely. 

The problems in Finland often seem to be caused by completely erraneous views on naturality abroad, from where some try to get things well, and in Finland that means naturality, freedom and good quality objective thinking. None of those ought to be in any way criminal or unwise, not against beautiful values or good quality. If there seems to be a need for something termed criminal, one should seek good quality answers of what is the place of such things when livkng in wise healthy kibd of ways, and so one can find arrangements of the word where the rules are wise enough to alliw wisdom of life, be fair for all, and wise in good quality ways, wishing well for the world, now and in the future. 

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My social position is about nonexistent, so I follow usually followed and vaöued things in the world like rationality, wisdom of life, everyday life, following some of the media, etc

 I have usually had very little social influence in my own life and in things in the world. I just take part in some things in basic common ...