24 May, 2024

NOT CONTINUED: so start your own blog, you can quote my blogs too

 This blog continues, or maybe continues, at .

But the book series appears ready and even too long, so I do not know if it makes any sense to suppose readers having read it, and referring to my old texts just blurs my mind, so that task would be better left for some people collecting texts in a certain subject that interests many and them too.


Continuing seemed impossible for me, since there came a much too big demand for subjects which I cannot carry. But you can start your own blog for free at www.blogger.com and maybe there already is some old blog trial of yours, but one can make tens of blogs for free, maybe a hundred. So in most computers' internet browsers there exists a copy+paste possibility, so you can quote from my blogs, if needed, but I cannot carry the feedback, reputation, etc from such. The subject in the air today was "Marriage school in the internet", starting from a quotation from my blog musiikkipaivakirja.blogspot.com today. 

So I decided to remove the new blog.

"  This blog ateempts to continue after the book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas", see https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/05/my-book-series-find-create-land-of.html and the latest post at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com .

This blog continues from LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com at a point when the book series appeared just ready, and not continuing, and when the quality seems to have gone too poor, like me stupid, sleepy like a sleepwalker, and the new ideas kind of forgetting the need for basic info or common sense. And when it feels that nice glimpses to school learning is what the adults would long for, since they have experience of life to back it up, so insyead of flat terms they woukd see glimpses of diffetent areas of lufe in a nice rational light that aims at being good for living. Like for example a page or two of some birds or plants, or some view of history. Maybe backed up by tourist guidebooks, advertisements of local shoos somewhere interesting for them to travel in, etc. 

I am also referring too much to my old texts, so the views is like saying "just the same as there, oh where was it". So it just destroys quality. It woukd work much better if someone else would find those texts in the same subject and recommend according to common sense to the readers who are knterested in such. So it seems that the subject would better continue by others in common sense like school educated ways, in ways that are nice and good to have kn the world. "

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My social position is about nonexistent, so I follow usually followed and vaöued things in the world like rationality, wisdom of life, everyday life, following some of the media, etc

 I have usually had very little social influence in my own life and in things in the world. I just take part in some things in basic common ...