26 May, 2024

My social position is about nonexistent, so I follow usually followed and vaöued things in the world like rationality, wisdom of life, everyday life, following some of the media, etc

 I have usually had very little social influence in my own life and in things in the world. I just take part in some things in basic common sense like ways, and have lots of wisdom of life and some high skills. But many people in my social or wider environment seem to have overly much social influence on the world and on people, pets, things etc in their social envuronment. So it seems that some, even many of them mark themselves as if having the right to influence things quite as much or over the influencues of the other major factors referred to, as if those were ordinary people with similar qualities but less likable, but instead those seem to be rationality, laws, values, traditional ways, even traditional basic picture of tge world overrun by occult means. And truth, honesty, good quality common sense, ordinary basic ways of communicating etc get overrun, and the result is like apocalypse or some criminals taking over by occult means. 

So usually it has been a question of whether wisdom and factors that are often ok to take into account that way and that much, are taken into account in a wise, fair, honest enough, ok way. Or are wisdom, basic rights, safety precautions against lies & criminals & things in the society used to wrong purpises & etc, are such safety precautions followed. Or is wisdom overrun by social eye, social taking sides, only certain terms or the like checked, lies, acting, long time false ways, large groups mostly not respecting wisdom or not respecting moral, or by occult means, etc. 

The problem maybe is rationality etc being kept up by many, but it seeming to be impirtant where the individual is unusually ratilnal, wishing fairly well in the world, wise, intellugent and with lots of wisdom of life. So if even such an individual is lverrun, it seems to prevent lots of possibilities of guiding things in the world by common sense. And so some mark "rationality" there, and so lying or acting kind of people and unwise guessibg kind of adventurers tend to try to go to such places or spiritually travel there, to get some marking that they are rationality etc itself, and so dominate over people using rational grounds, civiliced wisdom, other professions, etc - as if they were a force bringing wisdom and wisdom of life to the society, instead of being luars suppirting evil or unwise choices of a skill level that makes obe muserable about the possibilitues of life in this world. 

https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/05/continued-at-learntalents3blogspotcom.html where see the picture and read the text before the picture of my books from these blogs, which typically consist of separate similarly short momentarily interesting subjects about wisdom of life, as the blog post on the link to my Finnish blog. Like someone from Vantaa would have said "yes, those are interesting, but there they are true!". So mostly I have very little own room to live in, to decide fully my own life etc, some unfair socially convinsing sounding claims destroying much of my life, especially by their side effects or by their clearly evil and unfair, very irresponsible and intentionally misleading long term or large scale intentions, and I guess there are lots of misunderstandings, 

especially about the trustworthiness of each person and about how one and only possibly interesting point or area of life for me some thoughts of mine handle, and so I tend to lose the possibility to decide my profession, hobbies, use of time, amoubt of concentration, ways of doing, ways of living, what kind of support from whom I need or do not need and how much, in which ways, from whom it is ok to demand such, is it ok to "put things right" by occult means or crimes if I am not like others imagined that I should look like, be, want, feel, be able to bear, suit to, be happy in, need, be able to do, in which ways, etc. 

I copy some of the texts on the links: 

" NOT CONTINUED: so start your own blog, you can quote my blogs too 

This blog continues, or maybe continues, at .

But the book series appears ready and even too long, so I do not know if it makes any sense to suppose readers having read it, and referring to my old texts just blurs my mind, so that task would be better left for some people collecting texts in a certain subject that interests many and them too.


Continuing seemed impossible for me, since there came a much too big demand for subjects which I cannot carry. But you can start your own blog for free at www.blogger.com and maybe there already is some old blog trial of yours, but one can make tens of blogs for free, maybe a hundred. So in most computers' internet browsers there exists a copy+paste possibility, so you can quote from my blogs, if needed, but I cannot carry the feedback, reputation, etc from such. The subject in the air today was "Marriage school in the internet", starting from a quotation from my blog musiikkipaivakirja.blogspot.com today. 

So I decided to remove the new blog.

"  This blog ateempts to continue after the book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas", see https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/05/my-book-series-find-create-land-of.html and the latest post at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com .

... "

"An atmosphere like the birdsong in the beginning of the song "El Amor" by Julio Iglesias 

 See book 2. at ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

The blog seems liked by birds. 

" You can find the text as a book (with black-and-white pictures) or an ebook at 


(You might also want to see the books 

"Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" 

"Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" 

And maybe my books about healing, 

See www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .) 

Maybe also the long book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 


* * *

31st of May 2024    ( I am not a vegetarian. Neither do I need or want big amounts of meat. The ordinary recommended Finnish foods have been good for me. Sometimes I need more sallad or a lighter diet. And sometimes I eat more colder season kinds of foods i.e. not so light just then. I do not need any special diet, but it is good to balance the diet back to recommended if some part was too much of some type of foods. Sometimes I feel social life going better if I eat sugary desserts etc, or more baked? kind of foods or larger amounts than what I naturally need - I guess because I have more wisdom of life according to feelings than what many others have. ) 

I also do not drink alcohol. I feel that if there isn't a party like feeling without alcohol or drugs, there is some life skill lacking in tge arrangements. I have always thought that if people tend to like some having a little bit of wine sometimes, in that way freer gesture language, more emotional ways of talking, more insightful language and way of talking, etc are somehow naturally accepted and preferred, so one can choose such wisdom of life without alcohol, and then the good sides will be always present when needed and the insight one can use to choose better profession etc, better life at large in the long run. 


For the former subject, there is a video called Olympic workout (on the playlist of the book series Skills of Christmas gnomes), or something like that, about learning some of athletes view to sports and maybe if enthusiastic about sports, also a somewhat athletes body like body form. 

K25.   4th of March 2022   I found a video of pictures of ancient Greek athletes which taught different types of humans ( like the characteristic atmispheres of the people in the painted ancient pictures ) ways of using sttention, moving & the body so that the picture of the body and the way of moving are more complex and much more like athletes in the Olympics. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UF9CRW_AguA
I just watched the beginning and then was left pondering. 
The Chinese in the pictures about shadow boxing would in addition need to copy some typical European style, to find the athletes body & way of moving. " 

An Estonian song about the Midsummer celebration with children running around, but in Finnish. 

* * * * *

1st of June 2024   A year ago I fell ill in the beginnkng of June, it was for occukt reasons and lasted the whole summer. This year I have been afraid of a similar happening quite in the beginning of June. I havr for over three years mostly written this Christmas gnome / elf skills text on my mobile phone, and haven't manage to do anything much in addition. Today morning when I touched my mobile phone, it did not feel like the same phone but instead like a similar that had been used by other people. The major user/users had been some quite old man who had been active like in quite ordinary working life, but who had or some other major user had used the mobile phone to something which appeared black, harmful, evil, bringing bad luck just where the continuaty of my own texts and of my own life has been in writing positive kind of safeguarding advices about Christmas gnome like life. Also the ways of being active were too accident borne or too much ending in fight tp suit the everyday life of most or of me. So it seems that I ought not continue writing this blog, at least not for the time being. 


If you think you could write a better text from some subject(s) of my texts, maybe that is why your internet search? brought you to my blog, since my quite theoretical point of view is only only one part of what people want to hear about Christmas gnomes, life skills, etc, and so other (new?) writers who are preferred by some large group are wanted and needed as journalists etc, while my texts are often just one original, kind of academical, source of info in these subjects. Especially each country, climate, cultural domain, profession, etc would need their own writers. Mine texts are on a too general level and not from the point of view of each area etc, and not literally so good quality, i guess. But one of my strenghts is wishing well in the world and aiming at being fair. 


2nd of June 2024   My new blog, oh I changed the address: LearnTalents3.blogspot.com

5th of June 2024   See https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0D36GYCLD?ref_=dbs_m_mng_wam_calw_tkin_23&storeType=ebooks

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My social position is about nonexistent, so I follow usually followed and vaöued things in the world like rationality, wisdom of life, everyday life, following some of the media, etc

 I have usually had very little social influence in my own life and in things in the world. I just take part in some things in basic common ...