21 May, 2024

About the restoration of old times' wise features of the ways of living

 I wonder if in the old times there were not much foreigners, people lived countryside and tge areas were largely culturally quite homigenous, the ways of living wise, allowing individual variation, and life where the old times' wisdom was followed, was often enjoyable in a natural healthy way. Then there came more foreign influencies and most people lived in town. Was it then so that if someone was still inclined toward the old tines' wusdom, there was not  much of such left, and after that came the lies: actors like Tauno Palo ("Stupid Fire" songs, the charm of old times countryside) and Ansa Ikonen ("Trap Forever" forest, the ages old nature of living beings?) with the help of banks/money,

" The wals of a wanderer

In castles the weddings of noblemen? are spent,

The bride has a crowned head

One is comforted by wine and champagne

But the heart may be as cold as ice.

That is why I prefer dancing on the sand road

when the humming of the forests' trees sings.

Come, come to dance with me,

come with me my girl, Ohoi!


 wrong kinds of persons but some of the old times miljo and way of life remaining. If one wants back from that, it does not go by returning to the remainibg old chores etc, since the others already noticed tgat they had won this way and that way. But if there was something selling well, like people longing for songs, many of those living in towns longing for free time recreation in nature, people wanting nice jobs that they like, wanting good balanced varied healthy kind of lufe with civiliced wusdom, etc, then for those things, together with the large groups, thete was space for, a demand, and so there are songs in the radio, some green areas and lots of smaller amounts of trees, grasses, flowers, gardens, etc, in towns. And by the edges of towns there are kept horses for riding hobbies, old wooden houses kept for meetings and recreation, etc. 


( My father told me when I was a child, that his mother, who had died years before I was born, and who had had the first name Anna and had preferred to be called by the nickname Ansa, she had told of traps, that traps are dangerous and must be opened from the outside like a spiral, with enough safety precautions all the time. If I remember right, she said that good quality objective thinking is one thing helping in opening traps. If I remember right, good quality social relations can help too, but deception can lead to a trap and further inside. But I was mentioned objective thinking since that was my strenght. I was not interested in making traps, and social relations were not my strong side.

I guess people say that another way to remove a trap is from the center, by having a good social relationship that sets things right, but in my opinion such is often deception, a typical trap. But I guess that if all would have things in life so well that no traps would be needed or wanted, that could correct things, but in my experience such seems unlikely. But one can aim at having basic things in life well in the society and in the world, and knowing that some like the idea of traps etc, so such exist too. ) 

Traps brought to my mind this subject from yesterday: 

"  "Grave song

Restless is the river and waves roll,
sea alone is great and sea lovely.
Sleep river in the arms of the sea.

Wind wanders and leaf flies.
Happy the one who was in time in a valley.
Sleep leaf in the arms of the valley.

When the day rises, the star fades away.
One does not fade away for forever, the one who left from life.
Sleep star in the arms of the day."

Eino leino (My translation)

* * * * *
I used to like poems at some point as a child, maybe preteen. I tried to learn to understand how to make such wise poems. Of this poem I think I thought the following: 
I thought the idea was to make a poem about death, not about waking. So if someone is in pain or ill or the like, one is when politely at a distance saying it without hurting feelings, restless, and the river too may refer to trouble, and waves to supposed sexual relations going to that direction. If one then is adviced toward something but taken away one's own power in comparison, and adviced also to trust by feelings, then one is likely to disappear to it, be it death or one's own kind of lufe otherwise, anyway disappearing from the former environment. 
If someone worries about such, one can say that it is good to let things go in natural ways, so there is less pain and other troubles in the world. In a way one has oneself made the choices in life which make one typical to those areas of life and types, to which one has a liking, choosing such freewillingly always, out of likkng such areas of life. So in a way it is good that one lives just such type of life, even if it may be short or wandering away to other districts. 
When the day rises, the star is no longer the brightest but is anyway enjoying what one spoke for, besides such are periodic situations, so good to adapt to each kind of situation, noticing that death is different. And if one is tuned atmospherically to each kind of situation, maybe one knows how to continue to lufe after death. Similarly, old social relations may distance themselves but yet their professions may keep up the society and the world.

As far as I understood, the poem was not made for the deceased, but instead for the somewhat mourning relatives etc who want to understand by thinking for a while what such things like someone's death are like, why and when those happen and how to oneself avoid such in one's own life. "

In my youth I (and my childhood family and our relatives on my father's side) had the last name Hari, which brought to the mind of most a mixture of both positive and negative at the same time, for example the spikes of roses. 

30th of May 2024   Come to think of it, my father had a nice way of skiing in the forests in the winter, resembling some Eino Leino's poems, but I guess such is some traditional wisdom and he had good skills of recreation outdoors in the winter.
"I ski the snow covers leisurely slowly, (just a few steps, then  stopping for a moment to look at the landscape, the snowy beauty of trees etc, gliding down a slight hill, a few steps and looking around, maybe changing route,...)
Wind tosses snow.
Mostly it is as if travelling against the wind and not so much like being carried along the wind. 

27th of July 2024   Clme to think of it, my father had also a pleasant way to live with the summer weathers by doing varied chores etc at the summer cottage. Like going for a walk to see if an area of young trees needs some cutting away the too densely growing ones, and looking at some nature phenomena on the way, and if such was hot, come to the summer cottage and go swimming with kids, do some household chores, eate a piece of bread and drink a cup of coffee, maybe read the locsl newspaper's old version a while and go then find somethkng active to do,...  While my mom was mostly somehow indoors bound, like remembering some old fashiobed women's way of living, but it was somehow not so happy. If we as cjildren went with her in the summer cottage to pick forest berries, it was like squatting plus as if she had been told tales shen young, and then the directiln was indoors to make pie or just drink the berries with milk. And she tended to get stuck indoors reading and thinkibg of fifferdnt persons, relatives, etc. So as heat rehulatiln it was not varied and there were not enough nagure's shapes, sensations etc, things one can do only when on a summer cottage. Maybe the door should have been more often wide open to ventilate, or with children fetch water from the shore, maybe do chores on the porch. 

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My social position is about nonexistent, so I follow usually followed and vaöued things in the world like rationality, wisdom of life, everyday life, following some of the media, etc

 I have usually had very little social influence in my own life and in things in the world. I just take part in some things in basic common ...