13 May, 2024

Of publicity : an original work or a platform for others but supported by a teacher

 Of publicity I have learned that usually it isn't for a so wide group at a time, but instead like a platform for the individuals in the audience to learn and express their ideas and own versions. So it is like a teacher or a hobby course leader giving a shape which others can each fill with their own views of the subject, some of which are shown to other participants too. So that is very different from having a short look on some original work of good quality. I have had as my strenght the rationality of feelings, so much of my texts are original work for others to learn from, and not just my own versions of something commonly known of the subjects. 

At this point in writing my blogs etc, the previous text about how to change the name of a place, appears asked for from most or very many who have lived years in Helsinki, and as I wrote it, it brings memories from school years when I did not understand the short mentions that how such name changes should go or what they would bring, what would happen, etc, since I did not have experience of such social relations, and the others seemed to mention jyst a few individuals reacting instead of human types, people in general, foreign relations, etc. 

 But anyway, it seems that here the character of my writings is changing : my earlier texts were original works which need preserving, while these later ones would just be parts of masses of texts and opinions in the subjects, mine not especially skilled or original. 

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My social position is about nonexistent, so I follow usually followed and vaöued things in the world like rationality, wisdom of life, everyday life, following some of the media, etc

 I have usually had very little social influence in my own life and in things in the world. I just take part in some things in basic common ...