10 April, 2024

Dark times or light times

 Was it yesterday or the day before it I watched from the news site a total eclipse of the sun in North America. It took long for the shadow of the Moon to cover the sun, and when the eclipse, the shadow was total, it did not seem to go away to the other side, but instead it was as if it had started retreating back to the same side, and in the air was some people on some mental side wanting to return to their youth in the 1900's, i.e. tge previous hundred numbwr. So I just quit watching. The news video made me think already much earlier, had it been a tving to show to only to a certain number of people at a time, some historical happening when there maybe was the huge Calufornia earthquake, maybe sun too was then covered by a shadow. Maybe some there were left in darkness or a dim light. Sometimes for spiritual reasons the sky seems to get covered by clouds, or sudde ly darken when someone mentions somw horrible view or endeavour of a wrong kind, of a dark kind. So one would guess that if at the time of an earthquake some wise died and many men or boys wished for bombs to have a very strong effect, there was in the air slme spiritual wisdom against the wish of school educated for bombs, so maybe many chose to support schooled rationality and bombs instead ox supporting dpiritual means having an effect. So if one in the word, for example socially, gives power to the unwise and destructive, not good for lufe, it may darken the views of the future, and if the world is of spirit, maybe otherwise too, it can cause a shadow on the sun. To whkch would help to refer to wise choices instead of to people or groups. But there are propably people used to living in the cool of the night, so I guess some support such choices. On the other hand, many find ordinary daylight time lufe ok too. For doing work like things with good quality, seeing well is mostly important. 

Here in northern Europe, the climate of the four seasons determines a lot of how life ought to be luved. In the winter here where I live, the daylight time with the twilight times is maybe six hours when the day is shortest, and in the summer in the Midsummer the night too is light, kibd of twilight like so that one can see colours too almost the night through. But I have not noticed any spiritual thing in it. Some foreigners are i terested in causing some problems in such, but it does not feel to be important, just somebody's guess. Likewise spring light shows so much dead grass and young lives that it aren't necessarily the most strong force in the spiritual realm, more like flourishing season and the need for survival when it gets colder seem like strong forces, practically so, not knowing anything spiritual of it, but of course the young are important, they are largely our future. The increasing light now in the spring time makes morning light start esrlier, but that is something like changing one's alarm clock from one to a few minutes later each morning and starting work too likewise as much later. It is said that people who work in internatilnal trade or the like, may have a work rythm that is suited to where their clients live, so I guess if work hours are like active time, that is somewhat like daylight time. Likewise if one is strongly spiritually tied to some place far away, one's environment may tune there quite easily, for example light, atmosphete i.pressions, etc getting such tones if the person thinks of that culture. 

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