27 March, 2024

Easter (foods etc)

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It seems to continue Christmas bakery in the spring, so that one must wonder, if people learn at all what is good for a nice spring. In the spring a more bisquit like taste & nutritients would propably be better, since such is more sporty, kind of inclined to go outdoors and look around like is good in the spring time. Christmas bakery is more tuned indoors and having nothing special happening outdoors, which though is in the spring time the thing that lifts lne's spirit, even if one does not know it. One is kind of more inclined to be alive outdoors, and so one tends to get a better posture and so one tends to get tired like after more strenous excercise than ordinarily. 

If one has stomach ache in the Easter, one thing to milden it might be having some soft furry fabric next to or against the side of one's arm or hand, like a bright coloured furry blanket or maybe a woolen shirt of a very airy kind of furry thread or some piece of artificial fur, these as nicely clean. 

You could also soften your view on life by reading my text Skills of Christmas gnomes/elves, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 and LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2023/09 . Maybe also by reading the index etc of my healing blog www.EasyHealing.info at CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com . Remember that these are fact texts, teaching skills for life, and so need objective thinking, sincere motivation to those things taught and some experience of life. 

There is a text about waking from death at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/04/birdsong.html , but it is a long list of texts. 

In the Easter week one ought to fast at least a little bit on Thursday afternoon or quite early evening, since the day is somehow just such in character and since it belongs to spring to change one's diet to suit the lighter weathers. So it often happens that one may run out of food already on Wednesday. I do not know, but I guess that caring well for the food of pets etc on Wednesday, but I do not know how they ought to eat on the Easter week, but anywah it might make the week lighter for humans too, so one ought to check if one ought to help mice etc in some ways. 

28th of March 2024  the Thursday of the Easter week 

A kkrraahh like grey feeling as if without vitamins or enough food, may be a result of some male person not having eaten chicken-vegetable soup made of ordinary fried chicken which has reddish spices already in the shop and a climate-dependent amount of fat in it, plus of preferably fresh vegetables i.e. ought to have vitamins, snd of water. 


In Christianity many are interested in Jesus, did he really wake from death and how, did he really have miracle healing abilities and are there such with a good healthy effect on the world, and how do such relate to the times when he lived etc, or how to these modern times with the work load of many, people suffering from illness or whatever, and the like. So many would lije to know what the Christian traditiln or Christians they know tjink or know of such, and so there naturally is a place reserved for a celebration like Easter. The historical times may be unaccurate, but the nature wakes up in the spring, so shat we can know of waking from death or miracle healing, is clearly in the air then. Then one also notices that it is a difficult subject anyway, but it is good to give people a chance to wake up to ghe spring and learn if they can. 

Influencies from different people, etc are either harmful or benefical for feeling well, staying healthy and doing well in life in ways that are good for the world. 

Of how insects survive the winter, one nnows thst it is important to live wisely and with wisdom of life each situation and part of the year, and not to keep company to the ill or those without weather skills. It is better to help the ill by momentsry advice than to fall oneself similarly ill too. With the ages old wisdom insects ought to survive the winter, even well, each in their own ways, but not by copying from those ill like in slumber, since such does not allow adjustments, does not bring into use the full tuning skills of tge insect's ways of living and doing and what it has learned during it's life in the healthy nature. 

Suffering and death connect with not being able to continue on one's old kind of life. So if one wants to conitue, one needs to find better alternatives. So lne is receptive to learning wise views at such times of one's life, but it does not need to be because of suffering, it can be for example as a young adult, or when wantkng better life, or more civiluced life possibilities, health, wisdom, etc. 

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Summer harmonies

 Mostly just links to my old texts plus quotations, but might be useful for the summer or for the tropics, see  https://summerharmonies.blog...